Dino is in trouble! His favourite pillow has been stolen by his most hated enemy, the evil red cat. Without the pillow, Dino cannot sleep. Desperate for a good night sleep, Dino sets out to navigate the various caves, find the red cat and reclaim his most precious pillow.

Super Mini Jumper is a short, but considerable Metroidvania-style game filled with enemies, powerups and hazards to keep a player on their toes. It was also made for the Alchemy Jam and conforms to it's requirements of pulling resources from other projects and utilizing a feather within the game.

The game map will be made available while the jam is underway.

How to Play

Touch Controls Description
Arrow Keys WASD WASD Directional Pad * Move Dino around on the map.
* Down -> Duck
* DOWN + LEFT or RIGHT - Crawl around on the ground if BELLY BEAN has been acquired.
* Select options on the menu
* Jump.
* Jump in mid-air if the MAGIC FEATHER has been acquired.
* +DOWN will make Dino drop down through platforms.
* Confirm option in menu.
* Attack with fireballs.
* +UP will use Bomb/Claw, if available.
* +DOWN will use SPARKER attack, if available.
* Cancel option in menu.
* Access menu.
* Pause game.
* Switch Bomb / Claw for breaking walls.
  • Changes to the keyboard set will not take place until after the player leaves the OPTIONS page.
  • The default setup when playing for the first time is Keyboard Set 1. If this is an issue, the touch screen buttons can be controlled with a mouse to allow a player access to the OPTIONS page and change the setup to one of the WASD options.

Save Points

Six save points can be found through the game, allowing the player to save their current progress.

  • The game does not feature any point of no returns, making it safe at any point during the game.
  • The main menu will list your time, item collection progress and current health, indicating that is a game in progress.

Warp Points

Four warp rooms are situated through the game (One near the game's starting point). This can allow the player to move rapidly between areas.

  • Press up while on the platform to warp between rooms. Given there are only four and how quickly this occurs, the player can keep going between them until they find the one they want.
  • A destination room will only appear once the player has found it (Aside from the one near the starting point of the game).
  • There are markers along the bottom-left corner of the room to signify their identity.


25 pickups are found scattered throughout the game. Each one adds a positive benefit to the player; health, range, new abilities, etc.

RED CAPEProtects the player from heat & damage.* Defense +1
* "Hot rooms" no longer damage the player.
PURPLE CAPEProtects the player from liquid & dmg.,* Defense +1
* Liquids no longer impede movement.
* Acid and lava no longer damage the player.
ACCELERATORIncreases the range of fireballs.* 3 of thes upgrades can be found.
* Does not affect rate of fire
* Range +1 9->14
* Range +2 14->20
* Range +3 20->32
SUPER FIREBALLIncreases fireball damage.* Damage +1
TRI-BALLAdds addtional fire attacks.* Each small fireball does 1 dmg.
* Can be combined with other fireballs at point-blank range to increase overall damage to enemies.
BELLY BEANEnable crawling. Press DOWN & MOVE* Can be used to crawl through small tunnels.
BOOM BOMBBreak rocks. Press UP & ATTACK.* Bomb does 2 damage to enemies.
JUMP BOOTSJump higher.*Increases jumping potential by over 60%
POWER CLAWSBreak rocks. Press UP & ATTACK.* Claws does 2 dmg per attack animation (meaning it can do upwards of 4-6 damage per swipe to a target)
HEALTH BOXAdds 1 heart to the life points.* 12 of thes upgrades can be found.
* Each heart represents 2 health; adding 1 heart increases maximum health by 2.
* Player receives a full health recovery when picking up a box.
SPARKERBreaks rocks. Press DOWN & ATTACK* A single spark does 2 damage to a target.
* Sparks do no appear over Dino's body.
MAGIC FEATHERMulti-jumps can happen in the air.* Jump in mid-air before the falling arc reaches maximum.
* Player can jump up to 3 additional times in the air.


In addition to enemies, the map rooms themselves offer serious navigation hazards, some just by even being in the room. All liquid hazards are mitigated after the player collects the PURPLE CAPE.

  • Water: Slows down movement and limits jump height.
  • Acid: Slows down movement and limits jump height. Dino takes 2 damage per second while in it.
  • Lava: Slows down movement and limits jump height. Dino takes 3 damage per second while in it.
  • Spikes: Does 2 damage each time the player lands on them.
  • Hot Room: The room glows red. Without the protection of the RED CAPE, Dino will take 1 damage per second.

Resource Sources

"Ecaroh’s Alchemy Jam encourages you to explore the art of alchemy, repurposing bits and pieces from your previous games like ingredients in a new magical recipe! This jam revolves around a suggested theme and a unique pixel art asset revealed at the start of the jam."

To comply with the requirements of this projects, various kuromade resources were used to put this game together:

  • Source code: Cited from three separate tech demos, all related to Mini Jumper concept. This helped me put together for player and enemy functions. Previous experience from from other Metroidvania-style games I have worked on helped to make process go much faster. The resource decompiler was based off the one used for Little Muncher (given it was the most recent version of it).
  • Graphics: The graphics engine is based off the one used for Cheesecake Hero, modified to work in a 16-color environment and without the restrictions of 2 tile sheets in memory. All the tiles (not counting a few odds and ends that were made for this jam, such as the jam banner, end sequence, etc.) and most of the colours are based off the previous Mini Jump tech demos. Edits were made to accommodate this new game. A feather (not based on the original image sheet) was used for an item upgrade, as per the terms of the jam.
  • Music / Sound Effects: All the music was taken from various projects: Cheesecake Hero, Isekai Budget: The Demo, Nadine's Fleet and a (WIP) Isekai: Budget 2. Some new sound effects were created, but many of them were also taken from the previously stated games.

Latest Updates

Version 1.00 - Build 3 (July 3rd, 2024)

  • Credit to GammaSeven for spotting a problem with the MAGIC FEATHER upgrade. We should be good, now!

Version 1.00 - Build 2 (July 2nd, 2024)

  • Credit to OatCube for catching a serious, unavoidable issue that had the potential to crash a browser.
  • Player no longer stars with a POWER CLAW

Version 1.00 (July 1st, 2024)

  • Game has been uploaded to Itch.
Updated 6 hours ago
Published 2 days ago
Release date 2 days ago
Asset licenseCreative Commons Attribution_NonCommercial_ShareAlike v4.0 International


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